Category: Boyd

  • Programming, programming, programming

    before the joy of big wedding dinner and honeymoon to Japan, I need to work even harder this year end…. 2 big projects on hand and hope to earn more money from it coz lots of expenses and tax upcoming 🙁 Go go go!!!

  • Do!!!

    no mood to do programming but I have to do, I must do, I need to do, so I will do, let’s do!!!

  • Friends – 10 years ago and now

    At the age of 20’s At the age of 30’s

  • Waterblowing started

    The is proudly presented now. The reason for getting this domain and started this site is basically an idea came to my mind when I am having the just another waterblowing gathering last few weeks with my friends in Ipoh. Friendship is a wonderful things, I hope this site will keep us all happy…